AOE Digital University
In an effort to help you try new things in 2023, AOE has launched AOE Digital University—a central place to learn key best practices and tips for implementing digital marketing and social media campaigns. Topics presented include Google Analytics, website metrics, social media and digital marketing. Content is presented in short videos and blogs, making it easy to earn your AOE Digital University badge!

Twitter 101
With more than four billion people using social media worldwide, the question is not whether your organization should have a social media presence but, rather, which platforms you should use.
The Pros & Cons of TikTok
Since its inception nearly seven years ago, TikTok has taken the world by storm. The short-form video-sharing app has more than 1 billion active users and is widely popular among Gen Z.

Optimize your marketing strategy with UTM parameters
When exploring ways to maximize your digital marketing strategy, do not overlook using UTM parameters to help track the traffic coming to your website.
What you should know about Generative AI
What is Generative AI?
It is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, including text, images, videos and music.

Making the Switch to GA4
Universal Analytics will stop tracking data at the end of June 2023 and after that time, users will only be able to access GA4 going forward.
Capture your Google universal analytics data before it disappears!
Now is the time to start transferring your historical UA data so you can look back on it if needed. There are a few different ways to go about this process.

We're Entering the Age of the AI Chatbox.
By now, you’ve likely heard some buzz about ChatGPT, the chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI). What does this mean for marketers?
How to Create a Digital Marketing Campaign
Before sending your message into cyberspace, you’ll need to know where your audience spends their time online and how to use those platforms to get their attention.
Navigating Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The digital landscape is undergoing rapid evolution, and at the forefront of this transformation is the growing interest in artificial intelligence (AI) among marketers. AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data, predict consumer behavior, and deliver personalized content has made it an indispensable tool for modern marketing strategies. In this quick fireside chat AOE marketing manager Janice Clines sits down with AOE’s Elec Izenson, Marketing Assistant, and Laura Merritt, Senior Account Manager, to discuss how marketers can leverage AI-driven insights to craft targeted campaigns, optimize ad spending and enhance customer experiences.
Making the Switch to GA4
AOE Digital University Webinar Series: Making the Switch to GA4
Digital analytics help us understand how our digital marketing efforts are performing and enabling us to pivot as needed. One popular tool in particular is Google Analytics. Amy Numbers, VP of Operations and Marketing Services for AOE, sits down with Janice Clines, Marketing Manager for AOE, to understand this tool in more detail and why it's important to make the switch now.
The Pros and Cons of TikTok
AOE Digital University Webinar Series: The pros and cons of TikTok.
Since its inception nearly seven years ago, TikTok has taken the world by storm. The short-form video-sharing app has more than 1 billion active users and is widely popular among Gen Z—making it an ideal platform for marketing to younger consumers and recruiting potential new hires. In this quick Q & A, AOE Marketing Manager Janice Clines sits down with AOE Account Manager Vikki Sicaras, who is certified in social media marketing and leads our Social Media Practice Group, to explore some of the pros and cons of TikTok.
To Tweet or Not to Tweet in 2023 Webinar
In this quick five minute webinar Janice Clines, AOE marketing manager sits down with Vikki Sicaras, Account Manager for AOE, who is certified in social media marketing and leads our Social Media Practice Group, to answer questions that some of our clients are asking related to Twitter use.
Crisis Communications Planning is Key for Cyber Security
Cyber security and public relations go hand in hand. The need for a crisis plan is essential for today’s cyber security teams. Recognizing the growing frequency of data breaches and other cyber security issues that quickly escalate to the crisis level, Kimberly Kayler, AOE President and Crisis Communication Practice Group Leader, recently sat down with Jenna Fullenkamp, Account Executive with GuidePoint Security, to discuss this important topic.
Digital Data Drive
Google Analytics help measure your website's search traffic and performance. However, knowing the numbers is only half the battle. Without experimentation, direction and action, POWERFUL analytics become POWERLESS. By learning the basics of analytics, AdWords and other tools, you can take the next step in the digital data drive.