Meet the
AOE has a team of more than 80 professionals, all specialists in their craft and ready to serve your organization.
Kimberly Kayler, CPSM
Amy Numbers
Vice President of Operations, Marketing Services
Kari Moosmann, ENV SP
Director of Sustainability Communications
Kristin Dispenza
Senior Account Manager
Kathy Spanier
Strategic Planning Practice Leader
Lindsay Chelf
Account Manager and Director of Design Services
Laura Merritt
Senior Account Manager
Janice Clines
Marketing Manager
Victoria Sicaras
Account Manager
Drew Burns
Director of Client Strategy
Bryce Barker
Director of Association Management Services
Stacey Clement
Lead Accountant
James Baty
Executive Director, Concrete Foundations Association (CFA)
Trenton Baty
Membership & Director of Marketing, Concrete Foundations Association (CFA)
Nick Brimley
Director of Membership and Marketing, Slag Cement Association
Kerry Sutton, PE, LEED AP
Technical Consultant – Slag Cement Association
Tim Christle, PE
AOE Executive Vice President, PTI
Tram Hickey
Executive Assistant
Emily Emanuelsen
Publications Coordinator
Paulina (Gomez) Barbone
AOE Account Manager
Michelle Stern
Membership Coordinator
Brandon Harman
Engineer - PTI