The AOE team has the experience and expertise to help you find the answer to the all-important question, "How do we grow?"
The AOE team can assist in developing and implementing a strategic plan for your organization, positioning it for greater success now and in the future.
Planning is the only true way to know that you are accomplishing your goals and objectives, in fulfillment of the greater vision and mission of your organization.

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FAQs about Strategic Planning
Why create a strategic plan?
Creating a strategic plan is essential for several reasons, including:
It helps build consensus among board members and stakeholders, generating ideas and uniting everyone around common goals.
A strategic plan outlines strategy, goals, objectives, tactics and success metrics, enabling effective resource allocation.
It provides clear direction for leadership, staff and future board members.
Strategic planning ensures organizations define their direction, adapt to market changes and make informed decisions.
It helps align organizational priorities, facilitates smooth onboarding for new board members and prevents disruptions from leaders with an individual agenda.
Creating a strategic plan is essential for associations and companies because it serves as a roadmap to align the organization's actions with its mission, vision and goals.
Strategic planning helps organizations look beyond the immediate future, identifying risks and opportunities that could impact long-term sustainability. For associations, in particular, it’s a way to ensure they remain relevant to members and other stakeholders over time.
What is the process AOE follows?
AOE specializes in crafting tailored strategic plans aligned with your goals and industry trends. While the process for each client differs, our method generally includes:
Planning and Background (1-2 months): Onboarding calls, alignment, data collection/review, analysis development, interviews and surveys.
Pre-Meeting Report Development: Clients are provided with a report to review prior to in-person meetings. These reports include key findings from research done, SWOT analysis, survey results and other relevant information. This allows the group to hit the ground running during in-person meetings.
Meeting Facilitation (1-2 days): In-person meetings led by AOE consultants to review findings, discuss direction, strategy, goals and objectives.
Plan Development and Review (1-2 months): The AOE team takes the raw information derived from the meeting and forms a comprehensive plan that includes all the strategic planning elements.
1-Year Follow Up: Our team will check-in with your leaders to discuss progress and help make any adjustments as needed.
Who should be involved?
Those involved in the strategic planning process should include:
Organizational Leaders, including Executive Director or President, Board Leadership, Owners, etc.
A group of seven to nine people with diverse leadership experiences relevant to your organization. This can include Department Directors, retired leadership, etc.
Representation from key customers, members, and volunteers. Focus on including representatives with long-standing relationships with your organization.
Tip: Make sure to keep this group small to maintain focus and efficiency.
How long does the process take?
While this process is tailored to each client, the strategic planning process typically spans two to three months. See number two on this list for the process AOE follows.
We already have board-developed goals. Why should we have someone else come in to facilitate?
Engaging a third-party facilitator offers several benefits:
Fresh, objective perspectives help build consensus and gather unbiased information.
Facilitators ensure that all voices are heard, mitigating potential power imbalances.
One-on-one interviews allow for candid insights that might not emerge in group settings.
Avoiding internal biases or "navel gazing" helps identify new opportunities and challenges.
How often should our leadership review the strategic plan once it's created?
Reviewing the strategic plan regularly is crucial. At least once a quarter, discuss the plan with leadership, board members and your team to provide updates and adjust expectations. Incorporating the strategic plan into onboarding and training for board and team members is a good practice. Finally, consider creating a short video to accompany the plan, providing updates to leadership once or twice a year.
What does the end result, or the final plan, look like?
The final strategic plan typically includes:
A PowerPoint format breakdown of the organizational mission/vision and the developed strategy, goals, objectives and tactics.
Three to four goals are generally included, each supported by objectives and actionable tactics.
Metrics, timelines, deliverables and involved parties are incorporated into the plans content, enabling practical implementation and effective communication of the plan to organizational leadership.