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Working Genius

With an AOE-led Working Genius assessment, get insight into your team's strengths, optimal composition and true potential for success.

Go beyond traditional personality tests and get a deeper understanding of your team's natural competencies with Working Genius.

A group of coworkers standing over a desk covered in papers.

Imagine a tool that offers you a mirror, not of your traits or preferences, but of your most efficient modes of operation and potential areas of strife. This is the promise of the Working Genius model, which posits that each project is built on six foundational pillars, none of which operates in isolation.

In essence, “The 6 Types of Working Genius” helps your team unlock their potential with its revolutionary approach to understanding and leveraging individuals’ innate strengths. The platform transcends traditional personality tests to provide a deep understanding of our natural competencies and areas for development based not on what we are good at, rather, what brings us joy or exhausts us. It is knowledge you can actually implement.

Two people reach across a table to shake hands while others sit around them with laptops.
Three women in conversation at an office table.

The Working Genius assessment helps identify where an individual’s natural talents lie across six distinct types of working genius: Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity.

A row of coworkers sit at a table with one woman looking up and smiling.

By recognizing the combined genius of your team, you'll experience enhanced collaboration, creativity, and ultimately, a happier and more efficient workforce. 

After completing a short assessment, participants learn where they have areas of genius, working competency and frustration in the following areas: 

  1. Wonder: Speculates and questions, champions the pursuit of what could be.

  2. Invention: Enjoys innovating from scratch, finds joy in blank canvases.

  3. Discernment: Evaluates workability, is adept at feedback and pattern recognition.

  4. Galvanizing: Loves to inspire and get things moving, the firestarter of the team.

  5. Enablement: Makes projects happen, is highly attuned to support and logistics.

  6. Tenacity: Task-driven, ensures completion and conformance to standards.

These are not mere descriptions but identifiers of the inherent preferences and passions that drive us in our work. Each professional resonates more deeply with one or a combination of these geniuses, which can often be juxtaposed against the responsibilities and expectations of their roles. Of note is the distinction from this model and other personality profiles. In many cases, areas of working frustration may be areas in which someone excels, but their zap their energy and don’t bring them joy, further validating that this tool isn’t about strengths and weaknesses. By leveraging our natural tendencies, we can experience a level of synergy with our tasks and teams that is deeply instructive to the future of the workplace. 

The advantages of working in alignment with your innate genius are manifold, cutting through the typical workplace narratives of burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction. By identifying and harnessing your genius, you unlock the secret to:

  • Sustained engagement and motivation, as you are naturally drawn to the work that ignites your passion.

  • Improved team dynamics, as you recognize and appreciate the unique contributions each team member brings.

  • Personalized performance evaluation, providing a clear lens for both self and organizational assessments.

  • Enhanced job satisfaction, as you spend more time on what you love and less on what drains you.

  • Strategic skill development, allowing focused and deliberate growth in areas that complement your genius.​

Two women talking at a desk in a bright office.

Getting Started: Workshops

AOE has certified Working Genius consultants ready to guide you in a workshop to help understand what drives employee fulfillment, leading to employees being more productive and successful in their role and as a team.


The assessment only takes about 10 minutes and a team map can be created, providing insight into whether your team composition is optimal and if your expectations align with individual strengths. By recognizing these diverse talents, teams can allocate tasks more effectively, ensuring that each member is engaged in activities where they naturally excel and find fulfillment. 

Key Resources

Brian Gallagher

Marketing Committee Chair, National Steering Committee

"The 2023 Concrete Industry Management (CIM) Auction at World of Concrete shattered all previous records! Our partners at AOE were essential in helping the National Steering Committee promote the Auction. For more than 15 years, we’ve counted on AOE to help support our public relations, social media and marketing efforts to promote the Auction and the CIM program. The AOE team was, and continues to be, an important part of our success."

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